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About Us

Who are we?

We are a small team making a big difference. As founding principal, I have been an entrepreneur since I was ten years old and was deeply intrigued by Michael Gerber's work in The eMyth Revisited as a teen.

Over the years, I have utilized frameworks from Mr. Gerber and others, such as Verne Harnish (Mastering the Rockefeller Habits and Scaling Up) and Jim Collins (Good to Great, Great by Choice et al.), as an investor and co-founder of multiple service organizations.

Today we are a boutique firm bringing the best of these established methods and frameworks together as a system through training and coaching solutions.

Our Team


Dale Meador

Principal | Advisor

Rainier Gandolfo

Client Success | Admin Support

Mark Smiciklas

Marketing Manager

Our Core Purpose 

We exist to help people realize their aspirations.
This is our "why" and we welcome association
with others who share or resonate with this purpose.

Our Core Values

Click each value to expand.

"Shiny faucets save lives"

Our mantra tying each of these values together is "shiny faucets save lives." Details matter, and are sometimes a matter of life or death. Therefore we care, pay attention, and do the work of being consistent. We do what we say we will do.

Living these values authentically enables us to fulfill our purpose to help people realize their aspirations. Together, our values and purpose serve as our North Star guiding our mission and orienting us to what matters most.

About Us

Who are we?

We are a small team making a big difference. Our founder, Dale Meador, has been an entrepreneur since he was ten years old, and was deeply intrigued as a teen by the work of Michael Gerber in The eMyth Revisited.

Through the years, Dale utilized frameworks from Mr. Gerber and others such as Verne Harnish (Mastering the Rockefeller Habits and Scaling Up), Jim Collins (Good to Great, Great by Choice et al.) as an investor and  co-founder of multiple service organizations.

Today we are a boutique firm bring the best of these established methods and frameworks together as a system through training and coaching solutions.







Our Mission (BHAG)

freedom in 5,000 households
by December 31, 2040


Our Vision for the Future

Our vision for the future is of a world where the interests of capital, leaders, and makers are aligned. This means that people are able to create wealth for themselves and their families while benefiting from the power of ethical capitalism. We see companies populated with teams of financially literate employee owners who are wise and savvy in their business craft. We see a harmonious environment where governments exist as service providers to the populations they represent. And we see both public and private sectors as value creators and stewards of our environment.

Yes, it is an ambitious and hopeful vision. Yes, it is bi-partisan and responsibly optimistic. And yes, we land fully on the side of innovation and finding ways to solve our world's problems in a spirit of abundance.

With this vision of the future in mind, we have chosen a Big Hairy Audacious Goal to create freedom in 5000 households by December 31, 2040. We define freedom as being "having the resources to survive indefinitely without a salary (debt free, could retire, etc.) and choosing to work because they want to." This means training the team members of the companies we serve, coaching team members in both formal leadership and front-line capacities, and providing tools and resources to all our stakeholders.

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