Growth Blog

The Building Blocks of a Disciplined Team

Written by Dale Meador | November 24, 2023

As companies grow, so does the complexity of their operations. This naturally leads to a need for increased structure and organization within the company, which is where disciplined teams come in. A disciplined team is defined as a group of individuals that work together to achieve common goals, utilizing clear and consistent processes to ensure that everyone is always on the same page. In this blog post, we will explore the key building blocks of a disciplined team, as well as the importance of Level 5 Leadership and the principle of “First Who, Then What” which were identified by Jim Collins in his book “Good to Great.” 

Level 5 Leadership 

One of the key factors in building a disciplined team is having a strong leader at the helm. Jim Collins’ research into successful companies found that such companies were typically led by Level 5 Leaders. These are leaders who possess a unique combination of humility, personal will, and a fierce dedication to achieving their goals. 

Level 5 Leaders have a laser focus on their team’s success and are willing to make tough decisions that may be unpopular in the short term. They also have a deep understanding of their team’s strengths and weaknesses and are dedicated to finding and developing the right people to fill key roles. 

First Who, Then What 

Another key building block of a disciplined team is the principle of “First Who, Then What.” This concept is simple: put the right people in the right roles, and then determine the company’s direction and strategy. It’s the inverse of what many companies do – beginning with a clear idea of direction and then trying to find the right people to implement it. 

When you approach team building with “First Who, Then What” in mind, you will naturally end up with a team that is invested in the company’s success. Every team member will be aligned with overarching goals and be eager to contribute in meaningful ways. You will also be able to develop clear, consistent processes for communication, accountability, and performance management. 

Building Blocks of a Disciplined Team 

Now that we have covered Level 5 Leadership and “First Who, Then What,” let’s dive into the key building blocks of a disciplined team: 

Clear Goals and Expectations - Disciplined teams thrive with structure and clarity. This means that everyone on the team should understand the company’s goals and have a clear sense of what is expected of them on a day-to-day basis. This includes everything from performance metrics to communication protocols, to scheduling and deadlines. 

Consistent Communication - Communication is the lifeblood of any successful team. Without clear and consistent communication, opportunities for collaboration and alignment will be lost. Establishing regular team meetings, utilizing project management software, and having a clear system for reporting and feedback can all contribute to a more disciplined and connected team. 

Accountability - For team members to feel invested in the company’s success, they need to know that their efforts are recognized and valued. A disciplined team ensures that accountability is a two-way street – managers hold team members accountable for meeting their goals, while also creating a culture of recognition and appreciation for a job well done. 

A Culture of Learning - A disciplined team is always looking for ways to grow and improve. This includes investing in training and development for team members, seeking out opportunities for team building, and creating an environment where experimentation and failure are viewed as healthy steps in the learning process. 

Clear Processes and Systems - Discipline requires structure, which means that clear processes and systems need to be in place for everything from performance reviews to purchasing. When everyone on the team knows what the process is for a particular task, there is less room for error or confusion. Consistent processes also contribute to a culture of accountability, which we have already established is crucial to a disciplined team. 

If you are interested in building a more disciplined team, look no further than the principles of Level 5 Leadership and “First Who, Then What.” Building a successful team can be a complex process, but with the right tools and mindset, you can create a culture of excellence that will drive your company’s success for years to come.  

To learn more about building a disciplined team or to discuss your team-building goals, feel free to contact me at