Growth Blog

Company Scoreboard: Metrics that Define Success

Written by Dale Meador | March 4, 2024

Tracking and measuring performance is critical to managing organizational success. Often, companies rely solely on financial metrics to track performance, such as revenue and profit margins, but these standalone indicators don't provide a clear picture of an organization's performance. Non-financial metrics stemming from key business functions, are just as important to track, and when combined with financial metrics form a more holistic Company Scoreboard.

What is a Company Scoreboard?

Simply put, a Company Scoreboard is a document that provides an overview of an organization's performance. It's a tool for measuring and tracking the success of your business over time, and it should provide a clear snapshot of your performance, highlighting both financial and non-financial metrics.

The Scoreboard should include high-level financial numbers, such as revenue, net income, and profit margin. It should also include metrics that are directly related to the core functions of your business, For example, the number of units produced in a manufacturing facility, patients attended to in a medical practice, sales calls made, etc.

The Scoreboard should include metrics that are relevant to your business goals and objectives, and it should be updated regularly to reflect changes in your business. It's important to note that a Company Scoreboard is not a standardized set of performance indicators - the metrics included will vary depending on the type of business and the specific goals of the organization and should be unique to your business.

why is a company Scoreboard important?

There are several reasons why a Company Scoreboard is an important tool for your leadership team:

  • Provides a clear picture of how your business is performing, both financially and operationally. This helps identify areas where the organization is doing well and areas where there is room for improvement.
  • Aligns the organization around common goals and objectives. By having a set of metrics that everyone is working towards, it helps to ensure that the entire organization is pulling in the same direction.
  • Improves communication and transparency within the organization. By having a set of metrics that are tracked, measured and reported regularly, it's easier for teams to understand how they fit into, and contribute to, the broader goals of the organization.
  • Drives accountability. By having a set of metrics that are tracked and measured regularly, individuals within the organization become more accountable for their performance.

Benefits of Tracking Both Financial and Non-Financial Metrics

Non-financial metrics can help identify areas where there may be bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the business processes. For example, if a manufacturing plant is producing fewer units than expected, it may indicate that there are problems with machinery or production processes that need to be addressed.

Beyond operational enhancements, non-financial metrics also play a crucial role in cultivating employee engagement. By aligning individual contributions with clear metrics, employees gain a sense of ownership, purpose, and pride in their work. A Company Scoreboard helps foster a collaborative, empowered, and high-performing workforce—essential ingredients for a healthy culture and sustained success.

By integrating both financial and non-financial metrics, A Company Scoreboard offers a comprehensive approach to evaluating success and driving alignment within your organization. It empowers businesses to identify strengths, areas for improvement, and operational or process bottlenecks, all while fostering a culture of collaboration, transparency, and accountability. 

If you're interested in learning more about how a Company Scoreboard can benefit your organization, I encourage you to reach out at I'd be happy to help you understand your organization's key metrics and build a Scoreboard that fits the specific needs of your business and supports your overall goals and objectives.