Growth Blog

Function Scorecards: Redefining Job Descriptions and Success

Written by Dale Meador | January 14, 2024

Job descriptions are important but do they adequately capture the complexities and nuances of a role within an organization? Consider replacing traditional job descriptions with Function Scorecards - a more comprehensive and dynamic way to provide a deeper understanding of a role's purpose, accountabilities, competencies, metrics for success, and the core values of an organization.

Understanding Function Scorecards

Function Scorecards go beyond the scope of a simple job description. They provide a holistic perspective on a role within an organization, allowing both the employer and employee to align expectations and clearly define success. By capturing the essence of what a function aims to achieve, Function Scorecards set the stage for effective performance management and growth within an organization.

  1. Purpose of the Function

Every function exists for a reason. It serves a specific purpose within the broader goals and objectives of an organization. Defining the purpose of a function in the Function Scorecard allows anyone filling that role to understand how their work contributes to the overall success of the organization. It answers the question, "Why does this function exist?" and provides the necessary context for the responsibilities and expectations to follow.

  1. Accountabilities: What the Function Does

Accountabilities outline the primary responsibilities and tasks associated with a specific function. They outline the core areas of focus and provide clarity on what needs to be accomplished within the role. Whether it's managing a team, driving sales growth, or handling customer inquiries, the accountabilities section of a Function Scorecard ensures that everyone understands the scope of the role.

  1. Competencies: What to Be Good At

Competencies refer to the specific skills, knowledge, and abilities required to excel in a particular function. While job descriptions often list generic qualifications, Function Scorecards delve deeper to outline the key competencies necessary for success. It ensures that the individual filling the role possesses the required expertise to carry out the responsibilities effectively.

  1. Metrics: Measuring Success

Metrics play a crucial role in Function Scorecards as they provide quantifiable measures of success. Unlike traditional job descriptions, which may lack clear indicators for success, Function Scorecards establish specific performance metrics that allow both the employer and the employee to assess progress and determine the impact of their work. Whether it's meeting sales targets, achieving customer satisfaction goals, or reducing operational costs, metrics provide concrete evidence of success and drive performance improvement.

  1. Core Values: Guiding Principles

In addition to capturing the functional aspects, Function Scorecards also incorporate the core values of the organization. Core values define the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide the actions and decisions within the organization. By aligning a function with the core values, the Function Scorecard ensures that the individual filling the role embodies and upholds the organization's principles.

If you're interested in implementing Function Scorecards within your organization or learning more about their benefits, reach out to me at

Don't settle for traditional job descriptions that fail to capture the true essence of a role. Embrace Function Scorecards and unlock the full potential of your organization.

And remember, success is not just about ticking off boxes on a job description; it's about aligning purpose, achieving measurable outcomes, and upholding the core values of your organization.