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Developing Organizational "Actions to Live By"

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Organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of clearly defined core values, a strong core purpose, and ambitious long-term goals, often encapsulated by a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG). However, the real challenge lies not in defining these elements but in embedding them into the daily behaviors and actions of every team member. This is where "Actions to Live By" come into play. These are specific, tangible behaviors and actions that embody the organization's core values and purpose, steering the entire team towards the BHAG. 

Creating and implementing "Actions to Live By" can transform abstract values and goals into practical, everyday activities, fostering a cohesive and aligned organizational culture. 

The Significance of Actions to Live By

Bridging the Gap Between Values and Behavior - Core values and purposes can often remain abstract concepts unless they are translated into specific actions. "Actions to Live By" serve as a bridge, translating these abstract principles into concrete behaviors that can be observed and measured.

Fostering a Consistent Organizational Culture - When every team member understands and exhibits the "Actions to Live By," it cultivates a consistent culture across the organization. This consistency is crucial for internal cohesion and for presenting a unified front to external stakeholders.

Driving Performance and Achieving Goals - By aligning daily actions with the organization's BHAG, teams can ensure that their efforts are contributing towards long-term success. This alignment helps maintain focus and drive performance across all levels of the organization.

Enhancing Employee Engagement and Satisfaction - Employees are more likely to feel engaged and satisfied when they see a clear connection between their daily work and the organization’s larger purpose. "Actions to Live By" provide this connection, enhancing motivation and retention.

Identifying and Developing Actions to Live By

The process of identifying and developing "Actions to Live By" involves several key steps:

  1. Understanding Core Values and Purpose: Begin by ensuring a deep understanding of the organization’s core values and purpose. This involves engaging leadership and key stakeholders in discussions to articulate what these values and purposes mean in practical terms.

  2. Engaging Employees: Involve employees at all levels of the process. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, and workshops. Employees often provide valuable insights into how core values can be translated into daily actions.

  3. Identifying Key Behaviors: Based on the input from leadership and employees, identify key behaviors that exemplify the core values and purpose. These behaviors should be specific, actionable, and relevant to the organization’s context.

  4. Creating Action Statements: Develop clear and concise action statements that describe the desired behaviors. These statements should be easy to understand and remember, serving as daily guides for employees.

  5. Validating and Refining: Test the action statements with a small group of employees and gather feedback. Refine the statements as necessary to ensure they resonate with the entire organization.

Creating Accountability 

Once the "Actions to Live By" have been developed, the next step is to create a framework for accountability. This ensures that the actions are consistently practiced and reinforced across the organization.

  • Leadership Commitment - Ensure that leaders at all levels are committed to modeling and promoting the "Actions to Live By." Leadership behavior sets the tone for the rest of the organization.

  • Communication and Training - Clearly communicate the "Actions to Live By" to all employees. This can be done through various channels such as town hall meetings, internal newsletters, and training sessions. Provide training to help employees understand how to incorporate these actions into their daily work.

  • Incorporating into Performance Management - Integrate the "Actions to Live By" into the organization’s performance management system. This involves setting expectations, providing regular feedback, and evaluating employees based on their adherence to these actions.

  • Recognition and Rewards - Recognize and reward employees who consistently demonstrate the "Actions to Live By." This can be done through formal recognition programs, incentives, and public acknowledgment.

  • Creating a Supportive Environment - Foster an environment that supports the "Actions to Live By." This includes providing the necessary resources, removing barriers, and creating a culture of continuous improvement.

  • Monitoring and Measuring - Regularly monitor and measure the implementation of the "Actions to Live By." Use tools such as employee surveys, performance metrics, and feedback mechanisms to assess progress and identify areas for improvement.

  • Continuous Improvement - Encourage a mindset of continuous improvement. Regularly review and update the "Actions to Live By" to ensure they remain relevant and effective in achieving the organization’s core values, purpose, and BHAG.

A Practical Example

To illustrate the process, let’s consider a fictional company, "EcoTech Solutions," a technology firm committed to sustainability and innovation with a BHAG to become a global leader in green technology by 2030.

Identifying and Developing Actions to Live By at EcoTech

1. Understanding Core Values and Purpose: EcoTech’s core values include sustainability, innovation, and integrity. Their core purpose is to create cutting-edge technology solutions that promote environmental sustainability.

2. Engaging Employees: EcoTech conducts workshops and surveys to gather employee input on how these values can be reflected in daily actions.

3. Identifying Key Behaviors: From the input, EcoTech identifies key behaviors such as “actively seek eco-friendly solutions,” “collaborate openly to foster innovation,” and “maintain transparency in all communications.”

4. Creating Action Statements: The action statements developed include:
   - "Choose sustainable materials and processes in every project."
   - "Share ideas and collaborate with colleagues to drive innovation."
   - "Communicate openly and honestly with all stakeholders."

5. Validating and Refining: These statements are tested with a pilot group and refined based on feedback.

Creating Accountability at EcoTech

1. Leadership Commitment: EcoTech’s leadership commits to modeling these actions, starting with the CEO.

2. Communication and Training: The "Actions to Live By" are communicated through company-wide meetings and incorporated into onboarding training for new hires.

3. Incorporating into Performance Management: Performance reviews at EcoTech include an assessment of how well employees demonstrate the "Actions to Live By."

4. Recognition and Rewards: Employees who exemplify these actions are recognized through an annual “Sustainability and Innovation” award.

5. Creating a Supportive Environment: EcoTech provides resources such as access to sustainable materials and innovation labs to support these actions.

6. Monitoring and Measuring: The company uses regular employee surveys and performance metrics to monitor adherence to the actions.

7. Continuous Improvement: EcoTech holds quarterly review sessions to update and refine the "Actions to Live By" based on feedback and changing circumstances.

Creating "Actions to Live By" is a powerful strategy for embedding core values, core purpose, and BHAG into the fabric of an organization. By translating abstract principles into specific, actionable behaviors, organizations can foster a cohesive culture, drive performance, and enhance employee engagement. 

Are you ready for your management team and employees to embody your company's core values? Reach out to Dale at to learn more about implementing "Actions to Live By" and how it can effectively transform your organization and ensure that every team member contributes to its long-term success and vision.