Growth Blog

Organizational Focus: Knowing ONE Thing Really Well

Written by Dale Meador | March 4, 2024

In any fast-paced and highly competitive business landscape, organizations face numerous distractions that can prevent them from achieving their full potential. However, through disciplined focus, businesses can enhance their effectiveness and maximize their success.

Renowned author and management expert Jim Collins' Hedgehog concept provides a great framework for organizational focus. By delving into the key distinctions around each of the three overlapping circles you'll be able to gain a clear understanding of how to apply this concept to your own organization.

Understanding the Hedgehog Concept

The Hedgehog concept is derived from the ancient Greek parable that explains how the hedgehog, despite having simple characteristics, is able to defend itself effectively against predators. In a business context, the Hedgehog concept suggests that organizations should focus on one core area of expertise and excel at it. Jim Collins describes this concept in his book "Good to Great," where he identifies three key elements that form the basis of the Hedgehog concept.

Circle 1: What You Can Be the Best In the World At

The first circle of the Hedgehog concept involves identifying what your organization can be the best in the world at. This requires introspection and a deep understanding of your organization's strengths, capabilities, and unique value proposition. By focusing on activities that align with your core competencies, you can set yourself apart from the competition and achieve superior performance.

Key distinction: It is crucial to differentiate between what you can be "good" at versus what you can be the "best" at. To truly excel, organizations must strive for greatness in their chosen areas rather than settling for mediocrity.

Circle 2: What Drives Your Economic Engine

The second circle of the Hedgehog concept centers around identifying what drives your organization's economic engine. This involves understanding the key metrics and financial drivers that contribute to the success and profitability of your business. By determining where your organization can effectively generate revenue and achieve sustainable growth, you can allocate your resources more efficiently and make informed strategic decisions.

Key distinction: While financial success is important, it is essential to strike a balance between profitability and staying true to your organization's core values and purpose. The Hedgehog concept encourages businesses to find the intersection between financial viability and meaningful impact.

Circle 3: What You Are Deeply Passionate About

The third circle of the Hedgehog concept focuses on identifying what your organization is deeply passionate about. This involves determining the core values, beliefs, and mission that drive your organization's culture and inspire your team. By aligning your passion with your chosen area of expertise and economic engine, you can create a sense of purpose that motivates and energizes your employees.

Key distinction: Passion is not fleeting enthusiasm but a deep and abiding commitment to a cause or purpose. Organizations must ensure that the passion they identify is sustainable and enduring, as it will drive their long-term success.

Bringing the Circles Together

The true power of the Hedgehog concept lies in the overlapping area of the three circles. It is at this intersection that organizations find their focus and achieve breakthrough results. By aligning what you can be the best in the world at, what drives your economic engine, and what you are deeply passionate about, you create a foundation for sustainable success.

If you're ready to unlock the full potential of your organization or are interested in learning more about how implementing the Hedgehog concept and other tools can help your organization achieve extraordinary results, feel reach out to me at